Welcome to yet another Edition of Made in Ksu Exclusive Artist Interview with your host, Raj-thafinxt. With me here is one of Kogi state university Best Rapking, PhatPrinz, currently trending in Kogi state, jos, Markudi and across Nigeria. He is known for his rap style, and his consistency in the music industry, he recently dropped a mixtape titled "I No Well O, tha online mixtape" which gained massive downloads and Airplay. He is a graduate of Kogi state university, was the former SUG Director of Socials 2. Have performed along side artist like Olamide in the Nakoss mega blast show in KSU, YQ, Dammycrane, and May D, in the etisalat campus show and so many other artiste, Phatprinz is a promising act to watch out for. In this Interview he talks about his life and Music, and plans of taking it to the next level.
Raj-thaFinxt: Can we meet you
Phatprinz: Name is musa Abdullah a.k.a phatprinz. A member of d I no well movement
Raj-thaFinxt : Okk. Talking about "I no well movement, tell us the concept behind it.
Phatprinz: It's more of a family than a group, We all about hip hop and event management. Just doing good music and cool shows as a family
Raj-thaFinxt : OK, How many artist are in this group? And is that all of u are truly sick?? Coz the name of the group is "I no well" which tells it all
Phatprinz: Ahahahahha, There are five artists, , The I no well thing is more about our Mindset
We are a team of highly talented people who are so gifted to the point that you can only describe us as being sick of too much talent and originality
We are a team of highly talented people who are so gifted to the point that you can only describe us as being sick of too much talent and originality
Raj-thaFinxt: Haha, that's cool tho! And now almost all of KSU students are using the catch phrase "I no well o"
Phatprinz: Hahahaah, It's a movement so they are all welcome aboard on our never sinking ship
Raj-thaFinxt : Lol. Talking about you and music, tell us how it all started
Phatprinz: Hmmm, that dates back to secondary school in makurdi I was actually more of a singer then Was in a click called "Da maximum " Me and a childhood friend of mine leo, we basically mimed people's songs at events or during art sessions or even during break time
Then we now moved up and started writing our songs. Did my first recording in 2008 And since then we have been pushing it forward
Then we now moved up and started writing our songs. Did my first recording in 2008 And since then we have been pushing it forward
Raj-thaFinxt: Nice, so how can u describe your style of music??
Phatprinz: I do commercial hip hop
I sometimes delve into the science of hardcore rap from time to time
I sometimes delve into the science of hardcore rap from time to time
Raj-thaFinxt : Okk, Who talked to you about rapping? Or u jux stood up one day and decide to rap?
Phatprinz: I have always liked rap and listened to it from my teenage age so I guess it came to me naturally plus from what I have listened to for ages
Raj-thaFinxt : What are your songs about? (What specific themes do
they cover?)
they cover?)
Phatprinz: Music comes with what you thinking and inspiration at the moment so every song has a different theme But generally am about street hop
Raj-thaFinxt: cool, Give us any random line from ur songs, any cypher u probably remember now
Phatprinz: Hmmm ok
'Learnt my trade real hard you can't make it out a jew, Jesus tried real hard but cudnt make it out too"
Hahaha jst playing
Raj-thaFinxt: Haha.Nice one bro...
Tell us about your stage performance. How Do You Handle Mistakes During a Performance?
Tell us about your stage performance. How Do You Handle Mistakes During a Performance?
Phatprinz: Tanx a mill bro, I do not have a planed or written script as to performances I just flow with the rhythm so generally I treat every situation artistically,a mistake might only be noticed by me alone or close pals with whom I share experiences afterwards
Raj-thaFinxt : Yea.. Like I do notice you sometimes. Lol, In all the event you have attended, which one do you really wowed and thrill year ur fans?
Phatprinz: Well so far I think it's been the kogi carnival at the lokoja stadium, I got massive crowd response and it really made me happy
Raj-thaFinxt: Yea. So who is your role model?? And which big artist would you like to perform with in the future??
Phatprinz: Role model is joint cos I look up to m.I and iceprince, In future performances I would love to perform alongside iceprince, soonest I pray. Hahahaha
Raj-thaFinxt : Yea. Soonest. Let's get personal
Phatprinz: Yessir
Raj-thaFinxt: Tell me about your family background
Phatprinz: OK, Am from a family of 6 of which am the last. We hail from ankpa in kogi state, Reside in jos at the moment. My dad was a police officer although now deceased
Raj-thaFinxt: Accept my hearty condolence
Phatprinz: Tanx bro
Raj-thaFinxt: u are welcome. Okk. Do u get any support from your family in ur pursuit of becoming a a star artist?
Phatprinz: From my sisters yes
But my brothers want to make a lawyer out of me so I guess their support would only come when they see the positives attached to what I do
But my brothers want to make a lawyer out of me so I guess their support would only come when they see the positives attached to what I do
Raj-thaFinxt: Yea, Talking about that. Congrate bro. You now a graduate. Tell us, about your school struggle, and how you managed to mix music and studying law
Phatprinz: thanks, Law has been all wot I was told it will be, Stressful,demanding an all But I prioritise my priorities And make music at the beginning of the semester Later on I get to face my no 1 obligation which is my education
Raj-thaFinxt: Nice. What about your relationship? some people have termed artist as players. How can u justify that?
Phatprinz: People have their reasons for reaching whatever conclusions but I do not see their generalisation as wise, u judge a man by his act and not by the acts of his kind. Am a one girl kind of guy
Raj-thaFinxt: OK. Tell us about her. Plz
Phatprinz: She's beautiful,decent and reserved, That's all I can tell
Raj-thaFinxt :Ouch! What about her name?? Pics?
Phatprinz: Public relationships do not last so we have decided to keep it on a low, Soo sorry boss
So I can't give out her name
So I can't give out her name
Raj-thaFinxt : Okk if you say so. I would find out somehow sha. lol.
So what are u plans of taking your music to the next level??
Phatprinz: Am dropping a song I did with jumabee soonest
Raj-thaFinxt:Okk. Madt joint I guess
Phatprinz: yea, Plus I plan on going on a tour of six states in a few months time And kick starting radio plus media hype to that effect Hopefully that would push my career up the ladder. D joint wid jumabee is ofcus on point And it's gonna blow minds for real, It's titled "silifa" so y'all anticipate.
Raj-thaFinxt: Jam of life
Phatprinz: Yes sir and after life, Haahaa
Raj-thaFinxt: haha. So before we call it off, any advice to artist coming through d same way as you??
Phatprinz: Ofcos, Be true to urself, Have faith. Work hard and improve on urself on a daily basis, be close to God And with time it will all fall into place
Raj-thaFinxt : Thanks bro. Nice having you here with us. God bless your hustle and I pray you get to the top soon.
Give a Shout out to your family and friends
Phatprinz: Amen, And tanks for having me.
Big shout out to ma real g's melody,nart,catchfaya, Bobby And all d I no well members, ditty, page, remmo, femi, quaresma, judy j and mike mae of blessed memory, Big ups to Raj of made in Ksu, kinqi and everybody who has help the I no well movement. Plus all my fans who have been loyal may God bless yall and grant u ur hurt desires
Big shout out to ma real g's melody,nart,catchfaya, Bobby And all d I no well members, ditty, page, remmo, femi, quaresma, judy j and mike mae of blessed memory, Big ups to Raj of made in Ksu, kinqi and everybody who has help the I no well movement. Plus all my fans who have been loyal may God bless yall and grant u ur hurt desires
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