CONFIRMED- The New Method of Getting 5MB for 5 Naira on MTN

The MTN 5 megabyte for 5 naira has been on since 2014 but it came to an extent where you can no longer get the 5mb for 5naira by dialing *406*1# . Today i bring to you a new method of getting the 
5mb for just 5 naira, You must be in MTN ipulse. If you have not yet migrated you can migrate by dialing *406#.
Now to get the MB you should dial #406# , a menu would popup, then answer with 5 .
5 naira would be deducted and you will be credited with 5megabytes .

To buy another one you will have to opt out by dialing #406# and
answering by 4 then dial #406# and answer by 5 .

You can do this anytime you like
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