Yo!, This time around on MAde In KSu Exclusive Interview, we take it down to the streets of Lokoja, Kogi state. Where Made In Ksu Rep, Raj was with Kogi state Upcoming Rapper, Known as Yungie, this young Lad has been putting a lot of good works lately. In this interview he talks about The art of Rap music and also said a lot of things about his hustle. just relax and follow the conversation.
Raj: good day sir, how are you doin?
Oww! Fwosh Bruh! Wah Abt Y0? Raj?
Raj: am good. but am not fwosh like you tho,
Yungie: Hehehehehheheh! Its Jux My Normal Fing Bruh. Don't Mind Me!, We are both Fwosh and Fwoshe
Raj: Lol.., i see. so give us an introduction about you. who is yungie?
Yungie: Hmmmm! Yeah! Who Is Yungie? I Guess I Am Jux Dah Guy Dah Always Stay Fwosh At All Times. from d street and still repping for d street, all dis are jux wah I've put in my music dah makes me stay fly!. in summary I do music and I make evwyfing abt me look fwosh! So I Guess Y0 Can Picture Hu Yungie Realy Is Sir. I Am Jux D Normal Guy Dah's Actually Striving To Get To D Real World Sir
Raj: yea and you gon get there soon.
Yungie, tell us a lil bit about your hustle. how do you make your music? talking about the inspiration, the writing of the lyrics and the production
Yungie: Hmmm! I've been striving....like to make headways...been putting a-lot on d line......I mean a-lot....and wen it comes to d music...to me its jux my call buh I was actually throwing it off....the inspiration cums from my normal day life ......I write from d activities dah sorrounds me bruh.......I write evwyday.....through the use of my memo-pad.......and d production.......I jux get an idea....I mean Rap it-self is all abt creativity.....so I get my idea on how to run my fings and d producer put in his final touches sir

Raj: okk. talking bout Rap, some R&b artiste would say its easy, what can you say about that?
Yungie: Hehehehehehheh! Rap Is Easy? Hmmmm! I don't fink so......Geex! Not At All.........Cux Rap Consist Of So many Branches Its-Self....We Have D Hardcore,Gangstar,Pop-Rap and so on....it may interest y0 but I actually do Pop-Rap!.....I Wouldn't Say RnB is easy at all.....cux we all av our pains and stuff like dat.........but wah we all know for sure is dat a rapper can sing bt a singer can hardly rap!
Tho evwybody na king for him lane....shoutout to d RnB singers......One Love!
Raj: Yea, nice one coming from you. I have listened to your song, Kogi girls. Are you a player?? why don't you say "My Kogi girl" instead of "Kogi Girls"
Yungie: Hehehheheheh! Player? Not at all
If y0 listen to d song y0'll see I talked abt d Ebira,Igala and okun gals....so its not realy *A gal...like y0 said!
Raj: tell us, what prompted you to use that title or sing that song, do you have any girl in mind??
Yungie: Any girl in mind ? Like? Not realy fa.......Its Jux All Appreciating our beauty.....Kogi Girls Are Jux Blessed Mehn.....So I am kinda appreciating em all sir
Raj: hehehe, you know I could still go on abi? but let's leave that side. let's dig into your personal life. what's your real name?
Yungie: My Name Is Abdullahi Alhaji Ahmed Bababudan!
Raj: okk. so how come u are nick named "Yungie"?
Yungie: Yeah Like I Said I'm From The Street.....My First Nick Came As Youngboi Den....tho some peeps still call me by dat name......so I cut off d boi and it was actually Young......Bt In Yoruba If Y0 Are To Call Young......Its Been Pronounced As Youngie.....So dax jux it!

Raj: okk. I see. are u a signed artiste?
Yungie: Nope sir........I am juxt pushing it wiv my group(For-Ever Dope Music Gang In-Conjuction With Dope Unit Entertainment).......Not yet signed officially bt someday I pray I get a record deal th0!
Raj: Amen, jux keep your hustle Tight men. so right now, let's do a count down. list any 5 Naija songs that you like. and tell us why, starting from number 5
Yungie: Hmmmm... Top 5?
No-5 Ola Dips-Dreams And Reality. these guy is jux my hottest indigenious rapper.....and on this song he tells us abt his hustle from the street and so on tho he is still an upcoming artiste
No-4...I Have Kiss-Daniel-Woju!....This Jam Is Jux So So On Point....I Luv It! \=D/
N0-3-Mi Ft Wizkid-Be Mine......Wow! I Am In Lurv With The Hook.....Lyk Wizkid Realy Nailed It!
No-2-Wizkid-In My Bed-Actually So Many Peeps Aroud I've Talked Ah-lot Abt D Lyrics Of This Song.......Dax Not Making Sence Bt D Truth Is Dah....No Matter Wack D Dj Is Wen He Plays this track Y0'll definately dance to it!
No-1 Jesse-Jagz-Ft Wizkid-Bad Girl....I am Not realy a jesse jagz fan bt I fell in love wiv evwyfing he does wen I heard dis banging track.......and I'll be among my top 10 songs for a vewy long time
Raj: nice list you got there
Yungie: Not to forget yungie's-the journey(ise yen freestyle tho) I'll make it to alotta top 5(fives) Lol...#Winks!
Raj: yea. tell us about the track? and drop two lines off the lyrics that you can remember now
Yungie: Aiit the track is all abt me myself tho.....like d title .....*The Journey
Yeah in this rap game I've being hidden I am the subtle of Rap//...Being Riding Since Yeah! I Never Wanted To Be A Star So I Took Harp!//! ;)
Raj: haha, u don't wanna be a star so u took a harp, like .that line
Yungie: Yes boss!
Raj: we about to call it of, but before we go, what should we be expecting from you? are u the kind of crowd mentality artiste that follow the Nigeria music industry of today?
Yungie: Hmmmm! I am jux tryna live-up to my dreams sir If my music aint different....nobody will listen to it! In dis industry to break in......all y0 need is to standout sir, And I guess I'm trying my best. Hmmm.....I dunno realy disclose my un-released works!........buh I guess I'm working on a 9-tracked mixtape...titled *SchoolBoyFresh!*..and off the mixtape is d upcoming track The Journey(Ise-Yen Freestyle)
Raj: okk. nice. so any last word to you fans?? fellow upcoming artist and a shout Out to your family and friends.
Yungie: Yeah! Oww....I'm Realy Speechless Fa....Wen It Cum's To The Fan's Cux Y0 Guys I've been amazing.....Lyk I wouldn't av done anyfing wiv-out y0 guys!......Yeah To My Fellow Upcoming Artiste Y0 Know The Spirit Nau? Perseverance,Prayer And Hardwork......And To My Family Fank.....Y0 Guys Are jux D Best!.......Fwends? Wow! Shoutout Si Awon Goons Mi Ati Awon Clique Mi.......Awon To Ba Ri Mi Lori Street Ti Won Mah sokpe moh mohh bobo yen YUNGIE BLIZZ ni!.......*One Love;I Love Yo Guys!*
Raj: thanks mhen. wish you the best in your pursuit to stardom
Yungie: Yes sir!.....Fanks Sir!.........and I wanna say a big fank y0 t0 y0 for putting me up!......*Much Love Bruh!*

Correct. Big ups to u guyz