This was sent to us by A KSU student. She don't want her identity to be known

I am a girl but seriously girls have
to be the worst set of hustlers, they can hustle anything and anybody, not minding who gets hurts in the process.
Now let me tell you a story about how a fellow in the name of hustling pimped me and my friends out to some guys without our knowledge.

(NOTE: Names used are not Real
for Reasons best Known to us.)

Dunni was seyi`s senior in secondary school but due to the usual jamb ``jamming or is it jambing people` we ended up as course mates in the same level in school. Obviously we met her through Seyi and accorded her respect since she was a couple
of years older than us, but on few occasions, we always sat down to talk, she always converses with us like we were mates.

On a particular day while all chilling with Tunde, she passed by. We greeted and she went her way. The minute she was out of our sight, Tunde asked us where and how we met her, and Seyi told him. He warned us to be careful with her
that if we are not careful she would
``hustle us out`` as that is her way. We defended her claiming he obviously didn`t know what he was saying, that she is a cool girl blah blah blah. He insisted and we
decided to change the topic. If only we had known, we would have listened to him.

The next day in class we were all gisting and she was telling us about different club experiences, and we told her we have never been to a club, she teased us endlessly; ``As una set reach una neva go club before’. Girls that are not as pretty as you girls are practically going to mark attendance every day at different clubs. This weekend I am going clubbing with some friends and I would be glad if I can be your chaperone into the clubbing society. What do you guyz say?? And don`t bother about what to wear to the club, just bring your shoes ``. I said `` ok We decide to go since there is nothing to do in the hostel``. And that was how we went clubbing oh.

Her male friends were all cute,
we ve got good company and we enjoyed every bit of it. They got us Sharwamar to eat before the clubbing proper started.  We went to 3 different clubs around Ayingba Town. Madt fun we call it that night, we left The last place at about 4:30am. And it was time to go back to school, Dunni didn`t go with us, she told us she had something to do somewhere that her boys would take us back to the hostel. We thought nothing of it as we were still basking in the euphoria of our first night clubbing.

So we left the club with Dunni’s supposedly friends. We were a bit tired and were sleepy so we didn’t even pay attention to our surroundings or where we were
heading. It was Mz Tee that looked around and noticed that the environment wasn`t looking like school, We quickly told the guys to stop the car that they were heading the wrong direction, they claimed we were playing games, we begged them that there has to be some misunderstanding somewhere. They informed us; ``Look we have paid Dunni for you girls, so just follow us calmly. We don`t intend to waste such good cash``.

It was then it dawned on us that she just hustled us out, we pleaded, cried did everything but they insisted that nothing can be done as they had paid already. One of them pitied us and told his other two friends that he believed us that maybe they should take us back to school, the others disagreed, at last they came to the conclusion that instead of dropping us off in school, they would drop us right where they are parked and we can find our way back.

They dropped us there, we thanked them gladly even if we didn`t have a dime  on us. We couldn`t walk back to school, the road was deserted, no ATM to withdraw, we couldn`t stay till the next morning, we were scared, we called everyone we could think of but network seemed to be enjoying our predicament until we finally got through to Tunde who amazingly was passing the night at a friends place in that area and they came to pick us. We told him our story, he laughed at us instead of scolding us and we planned how we were going to get back at Dunni. We drew lots of plans at least if plan A fails there are 25 other alphabets.

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